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Collection: Custom Frame Pads

Protect and complete that perfect golf simulator look with our custom and stock Frame Pads. Below you will find our collection of golf simulator frame pads. The pads are sold in 6", 8" and 10" widths of varying lengths to put those finishing touches on your Screen System. These... [Read More]

Protect and complete that perfect golf simulator look with our custom and stock Frame Pads. Below you will find our collection of golf simulator frame pads. The pads are sold in 6", 8" and 10" widths of varying lengths to put those finishing touches on your Screen System. These pads are designed to run from floor to ceiling along the sides of your screen and across the top as well, overlaying the Carpet pad (attaches via velcro).

These are sold individually. Call for custom requests.



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featured Image for Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads
Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads
From $162.00
Protect yourself from ricochets and complete that perfect look of your golf simulator with our foam Frame Pads. Top and side pads are sold in 6" wi...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
SKU Choose Your Length - Length Choice 1: 130base_price undefinedis_calculated true_configId llMdD5rVSq_6UZa2VFcr8ufF_productUrl https://aceindoorg...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
SKU Choose Your Length - Length Choice 1: 43base_price undefinedis_calculated true_configId BICgcnhxaj4cowsSB_ogF52z_productUrl https://aceindoorgo...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
SKU Choose Your Length - Length Choice 1: 40base_price undefinedis_calculated true_configId X7p7vouti5ZgZ6c1Oy3WhMWO_productUrl https://aceindoorgo...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
SKU Choose Your Length - Length Choice 1: 82base_price undefinedis_calculated true_configId xc9cbgjbpdNSPMbScoTT5Q0i_productUrl https://aceindoorgo...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
SKU Choose Your Length - Length Choice 1: 62base_price undefinedis_calculated true_configId 3NgYmZEcq3i7s2B7kW9IOS9J_productUrl https://aceindoorgo...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 6in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 6in Wide
These 6" golf simulator Foam Frame Pads are designed to protect your simulator from damage and you from ricochets. Our simulator mini-pads for the ...
featured Image for Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Custom Frame Pads, side and top foam mini-pads - 10in Wide
Protect your golf simulator frame from damage and yourself from ricochets with our custom golf simulator Frame Pads. Our simulator foam Frame Pads ...


"I had a wonderful experience with Ace Indoor Golf. They made my dream a reality and couldn’t be more excited with design and space we came up with. Everyone was great to work with and very quick to respond with my questions. The install team was also great as they were clean and efficient. I would recommend Ace Indoor Golf for any and all golf simulator projects. Thank you!”

photo of reviewer
Patrick Hall 3/17/2023

It's a good company with great quality of product, The
installers are super friendly with great customer service all around my best
choice for my family.

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Xavion “sgt- johnson139” Johnson 2/18/2024

5 Stars

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Jesse Becker 2/18/2023